Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Feeling like I lost My Mojo...— the magic, charm, vitality, zest, drive, spirit, and my passion... feeling 'flat', bored, 'uninspired', or lacking 'motivation'...
"LIFE is so difficult when you realize you have lost your 'zest', when you have nothing to look forward to. Whether you are feeling 'rejected', feeling like a 'failure' or what I have gradually been 'losing' though is the way I see the world through rose-tinted glasses...
I guess when one gets older, life gets somewhat jaded, the youthful idealism 'diminishes', and so does the futile search for 'perfection' and complete order and control, and the once entirely rosy-colored world becomes a more 'unbearable' reality... I really need a 'spark' to kick start and put the 'zest' back into my life..."

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