Sunday, July 12, 2015

"Think of all the 'OPPORTUNITIES' lost because of the 'CHOICE' you made to take the "EASY PATH"...
What is Life's Greatest Gift? It is 'Free' Will or Choice. 'Choice' is the ability to select one course of action from a set of alternatives to achieve a goal. Life is not static, it is a flow. Every choice we make leads us closer to or further from our goals. As Harry Emerson Fosdick wrote, "He who chooses the beginning of a road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determine the end." Besides the paths of 'SMART' and 'STUPID' or 'GOOD' and 'BAD', there is yet another road, and it leads nowhere. It is the road of "NON-ACTION".
Decide what you 'CAN' do, not what you 'WANT' to do. Choose to carry out your responsibilities not because you HAVE to, but because you WANT to. We cannot choose what will happen TO us, but we can choose what happens IN us. When we act out of habit rather than conscious choice, the path were traveling on is a 'rut', perhaps even a slippery slope. If we don't want to end up at the wrong place, we have to be 'AWAKE'...
"When we acknowledge that all of life is 'sacred' and that each act is an act of 'choice' and therefore sacred, then life is a sacred dance lived consciously each moment. When we live at this level, we participate in the creation of a better world."
'LOOK' around you. There are great people everywhere. 'CHAMPIONS, 'VICTORS'. And they are all 'rooting' for 'YOU'!. They are voting for you because they want you to 'WIN'. Unfortunately, you are also surrounded by 'losers', people who want to drag you down. They are voting against you. Half are for you. Half are against you. How will this closely contested drama turn out? It all depends on 'YOU' because you will be casting the 'Deciding' Vote. The Ballot is the Choices You Make... Be Careful How You Choose!

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