Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"LIVING A 'Great Life' means 'exceeding' the 'expectations' that others may have for you. It means turning the 'DREAMS' you have into 'Actual' 'ACTION', realizing that you are solely 'responsible' for the future you 'desire' to see happen... Take small daily steps to get to where you need to be, and get used to the progress and 'winning' the small victories daily...
You must also be willing to be 'YOU' to the 100th percent. It is 'pointless' to aim high for things that you aren't really 'passionate' about, because after a while, if your heart isn't in it, you will 'QUIT'...
Most of all Be 'COURAGEOUS'! Know that 'LIFE' is out there for the 'taking' and no one is going to 'give' you 'anything'. You must be willing to 'earn it' and 'work harder', than you have 'ever worked' to make 'REMARKABLE' things happen..." - #BeRemarkable #LiveARemarkableLife

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