Thursday, October 22, 2015

"We Are 'Define' By The 'DECISIONS' We Make In Life...We can think about things and turn them around many times, play out the possible scenarios, but when it comes down to it, you have to go with your 'Heart' and 'Move Forward'. Maybe things will go well. Maybe they will turn-out very poorly.
Every 'Decision' you make brings with it some 'Good', some 'Bad', some 'Lessons', and some 'Luck'. The only thing for sure is that 'Indecision' steals many years from many people who wind up 'Wishing' they just had the 'Courage' to 'Leap'...Do not be a 'Product' of Your 'Circumstances' but 'Be' A 'Product' of Your 'Decisions'..." Remember: "Every 'Accomplishment' Starts With 'Your' 'Decision' To Try..." Follow My Blog: #MakeTheRightDecision

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