Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"We were not given a 'Good' Life or a 'Bad' Life... We Are Given A 'LIFE'. It is up to us to make it 'GOOD' or 'BAD'...You have a 'CHOICE'. A Single 'Choice'. Whatever that 'Choice' may be, 'YOU' have to 'Live' with the 'Consequence' it Brings. That's All... A "CHOICE"..." 
I Pray... "Dear Lord, 'lead' me to make 'Choices' that bring 'You' Glory and allow me to 'Experience' the Life 'You' intended me to Live...I 'Choose' To Make The 'REST' Of My Life, The 'BEST' Of My Life...In Your Name. Amen."‪#‎ChooseYourLifeChoice‬ ‪#‎ChooseToBeTheBest‬

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