Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Most 'Relationships' tend to 'Fail'. Not because of the 'Absence' of 'Love'... 'Love' is always 'Present'. It's just that 'One' was being 'Loved' too much and the 'Other' wasn't being "Loved' enough...
Remember: Relationships is more than just the dates, holding hands, kissing and having sex. It's about 'Accepting' Each Other's 'Weirdness' and 'Flaws'... It's about being 'Yourself' and finding 'Happiness' "Together". It's about 'Seeing' an 'Imperfect' Person 'Perfectly'... 
"Good Relationship" don't just happen. They take 'time', 'patience', and two 'people' who 'truly' want to be 'Together' and want it to last long, they make a 'Choice' to 'Keep' It, 'Fight' for it and 'Work' for it... It is a 'Relationship' in which Your 'Love' for Each Other exceeds Your 'Need' for Each Other..."
‪#‎TrueRelationship‬ ‪#‎TrueLove‬

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