Thursday, November 12, 2015

My Prayer Of 'Comfort', 'Strength' and 'Love' To All My Friends and Family...
"May 'GOD' give you 'perspective' on the things that 'frustrate' you. May your 'heart' of compassion grow for those who 'suffer' in 'Unimaginable' ways. May you 'Pray' as 'passionately' for them as you do for 'yourself'. May 'GOD' 'protect' you from a small, selfish 'mindset'. May He fill you up with 'Thanksgiving' and 'Joy' for the 'freedoms' you enjoy... May He 'renew' your 'resolve' to be 'Grateful' and 'Thankful', 'Humble' Soul. And May He use 'You' tomorrow in ways that 'Surprise' and 'Bless' You... In Jesus Name. Amen .."‪#‎PrayingForComfortAndLove‬ ‪#‎LordHearMyPrayers‬

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