Thursday, December 17, 2015

"It has been a worthwhile 'rewarding' and a very 'promising' year. I hail and farewell to a year that was..."2015" had an indelible impact in our lives, leaving us with hope and heartbreak...stories that touched our hearts, upsets our composure, and kindled our hopes at a relentless pace. As a whole, they defied our expectations, which is what made the news. Our technology reshapes us, plenty of unexpected yearnings to look forward to. It was a banner year of doom, gloom and digital boom from selfies, to spying, bombings and prying, to shutdowns to strikes...
We'll have bevy of ways to ring in the New Year and try to make our resolutions highlights us. We need to perfectly fit us with new venues with no glitches that could be wishful thinking in so many ways. Let's beat the odds, ready to depart on our past misfortunes and mistakes, open our hearts and Welcome an 'EPIC' Year of astonishing successes in our faith, work ethics and 'Making A Difference' in changing people's lives. Let's balance and fine tune our way of life, toast and kickoff a New Year of incredible victories in our family life, in our inspiring work, and keep our 'faith stronger' and enjoy life with a lot of zest, 'unconditional' love and cap it with unlimited possibilities...not forgetting to be 'Thankful' and 'Grateful' for a 'Well-Lived' and 'Blessed' God-Given Life..." ‪#‎HappyNewYear2016‬ ‪#‎CountOurBlessing‬

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