Monday, May 11, 2015

"We all have great reasons to live. Sometimes in our lives we go through difficult times, and if we allow them to, they will bear down on us so heavily that we may just feel as though we want to give up. Don't let life 'beat' you down to the point of where you don't feel like proceeding, because we all have a reason to live. For some of us it is our family, and for some of us living may be about spending time with others who are closest to us, while for some others living may be dedicated to the fulfillment of their dreams.
To be fully 'motivated' and 'passionate' about our lives we have to know 'why' we live, and 'why' we are here. Figuring out these things take some longer than others, but don't be mistaken, without knowing these things it is hard to live life without wonder. What things or people in life would it be impossible for you to live without? What makes you want to get up and go every day? These are your 'REASONS'' to live, and be the 'Best Person' you may possibly become!.."

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