Monday, October 12, 2015

"Lack of 'FOCUS', not lack of ability, is the most common problem that 'holds' people back from their 'Potential'. We all have strengths and difficulties, and we all have the same twenty-four hour days and seven-day weeks to work with. If you find it difficult to deal with where you are, or how life is treating you, it’s time to change your 'FOCUS'..
Start focusing on what you 'want' going forward. Set a 'specific goal'', keep your routine centered on it, and you’ll find the strength to move steadily in a 'positive' direction. When you focus on the right thing, even the difficult steps will seem easier. The burdens of the moment become much more 'bearable' when you connect with the 'purpose' behind them. By choosing to 'focus' properly, you get the highest return for the efforts you invest in your life..."‪#‎FocusWhatReallyMatters‬

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