Monday, October 12, 2015

"LIFE is a constant 'climb', but the journey is 'rewarding' and the view is 'great'. It’s just a matter of pushing forward when the going gets 'tough...
Yes, there are lots of inherent events in life that occur completely independently of you – birth, death, loss, sickness, aging, and 'unexpected' changes of all kinds – but these life events do not have to cause ongoing confusion and suffering. They happen, you experience a little stress, you adjust, and you move forward. The problem occurs when you don’t adjust and move forward, when your mind clings to these events in a negative light and intensifies their significance into perpetuity. If your mind does this, of course, it completely overlooks the subtle feelings of excitement, adventure, love, and joy that come from the essence of overcoming a new challenge.
If you dwell on the 'positive' thoughts and possibilities at least as much as you dwell on negative thoughts and painful emotions, life’s challenges help you improve your reality...
'LIFE' is what you make it. It’s a 'wild roller-coaster'. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. And then just when you think it can’t get any better, it does. Every day is a beautiful 'mystery'... Let go of yesterday’s mistakes and enjoy the mystery as it unfolds today...Life is like a 'ROLLER COASTER', 'Live' it, Be 'Happy', Enjoy Life..." ‪#‎LifeisaRollerCoaster‬

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