Saturday, November 14, 2015

Make Time For Your Quiet Moments...
"STOP Everything...Most of our days spin with to-do lists and chores. Maybe mornings aren’t great for quiet time because you’re short on time then. Maybe your evenings are slower. Maybe you have 10 minutes at lunch where you usually check your Instagram and Facebook. Carve out a few moments to spend some time each day with GOD. Turn off the TV. Leave the phone in another room. 'Focus' on just one thing: 'Talking with GOD'...
Your mind will want to 'wander'... It will want to remind you that you need to put the laundry away or answer that email or call the vet. Slow down those 'distractions' by prayerfully asking 'GOD' to fill that time with conversation with Him... Find a regular time that is dedicated to being your quiet time and only your quiet time. Make that time a 'routine' you can stick to. It may be hard at first. You may be sleepy because you had to wake up earlier or you may be tired at the end of a long day, but continue meeting with 'GOD'...
'GOD' calls us to meet with Him because He 'loves' us, and we need to give Him daily 'praise' and 'prayer'. If you have to, let your family know when your dedicated time is and get them involved in helping you keep to your daily quiet time... 
The 'Value' of a Moment is 'Immeasurable'. The Power of just 'ONE' Moment can 'Propel' You to 'Success' and 'Happiness' or 'Chain' You to 'Failure' and 'Misery'... Quiet The Mind and The Soul Will Speak...“"  #FindTimeWithYourself  #MakeTimeWithGod #TreasureTimeWithFamily

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