Sunday, November 15, 2015

"WORSHIP is giving 'GOD' the 'Best' that 'He' has given You. 'HE' never go away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to 'Him'... "Come, LORD, Stir Us Up and Call Us Back. Kindle and Seize Us. Be our 'Fire' and our 'Sweetness'. Let us help people 'experience' your 'LOVE' that changes lives'. Let us be 'consumed' with 'You' of all things rather than the things you created. Let Us Worship 'YOU' with all our Hearts now and forever...” Come 'Worship' the Lord in the 'Beauty' of His 'Holiness'...'TODAY' is the Lord's Day! Let us all find 'Time' to be with 'HIM'...#LetGODBeYourGlory

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